Invention, Intelectual property and income
Create a dissemination plan for your final project
Outlined future possibilities and described how to make them probabilities
Choose a licence (open/closed) of your choice for your final mdef intervention
The project has various concepts for dissemination. First, the idea of a cycle in a product is easy to spread, knowing which are the steps of the project, is much more simple to know and understand the steps for a specific project. It has also the possibility of turning into a methodology or a specific way to approach design projects with local resources, with the participation of a specific community.
The other point that can be spreaded, is the way of recollecting sound from matter, it is possible to do it in different parts of the world, with different objects and materials.
After MDEF, the final product will be an audiovisual piece that will illustrate the whole project and process. and with that material, the idea is to send the project to different expos, biennales, and design week events. to spread this concept of “life cycles of products.”
The project has different ways of replicability after its implementation: -Workshops -Guided step by step -Designing a Methodology. -Create a Community.
If this process has to embed to a license, it will be open source, under creative commons license. because it will not be made to gain profit from it, The idea is that this project will be replicable, modificable and improved.