Title: Sonic Ecologies Exploring the Relation between sound, technology, nature and the physical world.
When was the last time that you played with mud? Why objects are designed to last forever?, why we have lost the connection with nature? What is the relationship with sound and our physical world ?
These are some of the questions that will be explored with this intervention. Sonic Ecologies is a serie of specific designed interventions that will be happening in the city of Barcelona and its natural surroundings, Ending with MDEFEST trail road in the natural park.
The intervention is designed to work as a cycle, with human intervention opening and closing the loop, and It’s divided in x stages.
Stage 1: Recollect the Clay from Collserola Park, or el Garraf. These two are natural parks in the surroundings of Barcelona that in some areas, have Clay soil that is used for crafts and fabrication. During the recollection of clay, the natural sounds of the place will be recorded to use them for the exposition.
Stage 2: The Clay will be installed in different metallic and conductive totems, these totems will be connected to an electronic system that will be throwing sound signals when the clay is touched, so it will be modeled in a collaborative way by people that will be participating in the expo. Its expected that the resulting shape will be abstract like sculptures.
Stage 3: For the final act, there will be a hike organized to Collserola park, where every participant will take a piece of the clay that was made by different people the day before. The pieces of clay will be seted up for a music performance that will be played there. After the performance, all of the clay pieces will be returned to the park as little sculptures, as nendo dango seeds, or as traces of human intervention. So with that approach the object will have its own natural cycle, where it was taken, used and returned where it belongs.
For Activities 2 and 3, there will be collaboration with other classmates collectives. The first one is with Tati and Chris in Akasha Hub, where there will be designed the interactive controller for the event, and the clay stations, making the participants an active way to play with clay.
With Slowlab collective, we will do the Hike, that will consist on a hike to Collserola, where people will take the pieces of clay and more sensorial activities, so in the top there will be a meditation where people will be hearing the generated sound in the past exhibition, then leaving the objects in the park as part of the offering of the project.
Documentation The project works as a cycle, so the final pieces will be returning to ground, and they will fade through time. For showing and sharing the project, it is necessary to create an audiovisual piece that will communicate the project in the digital space, and also to apply to faires and bienales.